Saturday, 19 September 2009

One nil to the dumbells

It was a triumphant day for the dumbells!! Long let that continue. It is looking good, as I have just watched Strictly Come Dancing, whilst enjoying a 2 finger kit kat without wanting to eat the entire pack at the sight of all the beautiful dancers - I can't tell you the last time I actually had one biscuit or one chocolate bar without it resulting in a binge session. A positive day then!

I went to the gym around midday, which I always prefer on a Saturday because its nice and quiet, and I got the weight area all to myself :) This of course was the human weight area, not the super-human weight area which is located at the over end with no carpet. The noises that come from there sometimes sound how I imagine child birth might sound! I wonder how many of the men would claim to have an idea of how such an act would feel?? Though today I did see a woman go into the non-carpeted area and I thought - you go girl! Doing it for the rest of us! One aim I have is to have the strength and the confidence to enter the sacred area and use the squat cage. Aaah....dare to dream.

I stumbled across The Biggest Loser Australia on SkyRealLives today - an entire weeks worth!! I was in heaven! I wish I could go to a house, workout all day for about 3 months and return home a different person. Especially if I was in Australia! Plus I love Jillian Micheals, the way she just says it how it is. I'd love to be trained by her. I have followed her radio show for well over a year too, picking up all kinds of tips for optimum health (taken a while to put them into practice eh?) but now it has vanished!! She said she was taking a break from radio - then So I get my fix on SkyRealLives - they always play The Biggest Loser, Australia and USA - love it!

Anyway so thats about all I did today.

It was muesli for breakfast, turkey and wholemeal roll for lunch, and turkey and mushroom stir fry for tea. Snacks consisted of an apple and a Trek flapjack (if you haven't tried one, you must - yummy!) and for supper was a special k bar and a 2 finger kit kat, not the healthiest supper, but my calories for the day come in at 1402. Water totalled 2.5 litres.

I hope tomorrow I can report a similar story.

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