Sunday, 28 February 2010

Nothing has changed......

Five months on since my last post and nearly everything is exactly the same. I'm still not losing weight and it's getting dier! I have a bridemaid dress to get in and a continent to explore....neither of which I want to be fat for!!
Warning.....yet another resolve iminent.....
I have joined Weight Watchers online and shall weigh in tomorrow morning. I have 16 weeks to lose as much as I can before I go travelling around Europe, and considering I have booked into MIXED dorms, I really don't want to end up showing off my exagerated curves to so many male travellers. The girls I don't mind so much as I am sure I would be a good ego booster for them!

So, what happened? Well, in the beginnning of November I weighed in at just over 13 stone and still had time to take the slow appraoch and it was going well before Christmas, then I started to go too slow. I mantained in most of January and so far February has been the same.
When I started writing this in September I relieved myself of any deadline pressures but before Christmas I laid it on again with re-entering my triathlon. I blame the fresh start of New year looming in the air. Training was going well, but working on my foundation degree and generally not feeling like it has left me several trainign sessions behind. I knew I never should have done it because it is exactly the same time as my coursework and exam deadlines are in May! Silly, silly girl. All I have really wanted to do is get back to my resistance training workouts with bursts with cardio mixed in, like the good old days when I first became a gym-goer! With all this in mind, I will not be doing the triathlon. I'm not enjoying the training right now and I have enough stress with degree work without the added stress of a strict workout regime. So, with no other pressure than actually losing weight (an approach I had not thought of until now...doh!...I am the future!) I am refocused and ready.

The new plan is, in a nutshell, to lose as much as possible in the next 16 weeks, simples! The slightly more detailed plan looks like this:
  • I only eat POINTS long as I stick to the Weigth Watchers way of living my diet will be fine.
  • Weight training with cardio 3 times a week
  • Spinning once a week
Ideally, in the next 16 weeks I would like to shift 2 stone. I won't be where I want to be but it will be a hell of a lot better than where I am right now!! Consistancy will be the key to this, which I have known all along but for some reason have chosen to ignore. More than shift the lard, I also want to redisover myself. The person I am right now isn't the real me. I can give so much more to life, but right now I don't want to put myself out there because I don't think I am good enough. This has to change!! I am better than I was 5 months ago but the road is long....and covered in chocolate.

So, here is hoping the scale is kind in the morning. Let the battle begin!!